TMUX cheetsheet
Start Tmux
> tumx
Create a new session with a name
> tmux new -s <session-name>
List of existing session
> tmux ls
Attach to the existing session
> tmux attach -t <session name/number>
Rename tmux session
> tmux rename-session -t <previous name/no> <new-name>
Detach when inside tmux without ending the session
> tmux detach
Split pane
# Vertical split
> C-b, %
# Horizontal split
> C-b, "
Navigate Pane
> C-b, <arrow key>
Close pane
> exit
> C-d
# create new windows
> C-b, c
# Move cursor to previous window
> C-b, p
# Move cursor to next window
> C-b, n
#Move cursor using window number
> C-b, <number>