Command Line Tips and Tricks
Moving cursor in commandline
# Clears the entire line (press ctrl and u together)
$ctrl + u
# Delete word before the cursor
$ctrl + w
# I rarely use above keys since i joined vi camp:P
# Enjoy the power of vi in command line
# I really love it so its in may .bash_profile :)
$set -o vi
Show working directory
Listing file
# List all file and folder in directory ~/Desktop with additional information
$ls -al ~/Deskop
# List all the file having 2 character extension
$ls *.??
# List file start with k or s
$ls [ks]*
# List all file whose first character is not k or s
$ls [!ks]*
# List file whose second character is u or i
$ls ?[ui]*
Change Directory
# Take you to home directory
# Change directory to Documents
$cd Documents/
# Take you to previous directory
$cd ..
# Move last working directory
$cd -
Make directory
# Make entire complex directory trees inside current location ./work/a/b/c
$ mkdir -p work/a/b/c
# Make directory tree
$mkdir -p work/{d1,d2}/{src,bin,bak}
Delete files and folder
# Remove unwoantedFile.txt
$rm unwoantedFile.txt
# Remove all file having extension .pyc
$rm *.pyc
# Remove directory unwnatedFolder
$rm -r unwnatedFolder
Rename file
# Change the name of the file from file.txt text to file.xml
# Both commands do same work. Personally i prefer second one :)
$mv /home/abc/file.txt /home/abc/file.xml
$mv /home/abc/file.{txt,xml}
Copy file
$cp /source/folder/a.txt /destination/a.txt
Searching files
# Find files/Folder haveing name workspace
$find . -name workspace
# Find file used in last 10 mins
$find / -mmin -10
# Find files modified between now and 1 day ago (i.e., within the past 24 hours)
$find . -mtime 0
# Find files modified less than 1 day ago (i.e., within the past 24 hours, as before)
$find . -mtime -1
# Find files modified between 24 and 48 hours ago
$find . -mtime 1
# Find files modified more than 48 hours ago
$find . -mtime +1
# Find files modified between 6 and 9 minutes ago
$find . -mmin +5 -mmin -10
# These options can be combined
$find . -type f -mtime 0 -iname *.mp
# Find file which has permission 644
$find . -perm 644
# Find all the txt files which contains word linux
$find . –name "*.txt" –print | xargs grep "linux"
Work with compressed file
# Create file1_file2.tar by compressing /home/file1 and /home/file2
$tar -cvf file1_file2.tar /home/file1 /home/file2
# Uncompress file
$tar -xvf file1_file2.tar
File count in a directory
$find . -type f | wc -l
$ls -laR | wc -l
Alias long and frequent command
# map ls -al to la
$alias la="ls -al"
# i have this in my .bash_profile, i really love it
$alias blog="cd /home/surendra/abc/cde/fgh/xyz; source activate blog"
$alias ipn="cd ~/Dropbox/notebooks/; source activate lab; ipython notebook "
$alias dush="du -sm *|sort -n|tail"
Kill all target process
# Really handy to combine simple command to do complex task.
$ps -ef | grep php| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
$ps aux | grep mypattern | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs kill
# Kill all the process associate with port 4000
$lsof -i :4000| awk '{ NR>1 print $2}' | xargs kill
Executing multiple command at once
# Run two command in sequence as if they are typed in 2 different lines
$mkdir dir1; cd dir1
# Execute second command if first command fails
$mkdir dir1 || sudo mkdir dir1
# Execute second command if first common succeed
$mkdir dir1 && cd dir1
# Change to directory cd work/a/b/c but if the directory does not exist crate it
# then unzip ~/archive.tar in the location
$cd work/a/b/c || mkdir -p work/a/b/c && tar xvf -C work/a/b/c ~/archive.tar
Crontab for scheduling
# Edit the crontab
$crontab -e
# List currnet crontab
$crontab -l
# Run python file at desktop. */5 => every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * python ~/Desktop/
# Run command at 5:00am,10:00am and 3:00pm every day
00 5,10,15,20 * * * python ~/Desktop/
#To remove crontag
$corntab -r
Environment variable
# List all environment variables
# Executable path
$echo $PATH
Change mode of file
# Set file permission write, read and execute to user, group and other (777)
$chmod 777 file1
# Makes the permissions of file2 the same as file1
$chmod --reference file1 file2
Command History
# Show last used commands
$(up arrow)
# Latest 20 history command
$history 20
# List command history containing word mysql
$history 500 | grep mysql
# Reverse search in command history (press ctrl and r together)
$Ctrl + r
Repeat Ctrl + r to loop through results
# Cancel the search and restore original line
Ctrl + g
To see the usage and free space in hard drive
# Show free disk space in human readable way
$df - h
# Utilized system space
$df -lP| awk 'NR>1 {sum +=$3 } END {print "%d GiB", sum/2^20}'
# Total system space
$df -lP| awk 'NR>1 {sum +=$2 } END {print "%d GiB", sum/2^20}'
# How much disk storage directory "somedir" is using Much much more intuitive and readable.
$du -sh somedir
# Get the 10 biggest files/folders for the current direcotry
$du -s * | sort -n | tail
Copy over remote computer
# Copy files from a local computer to a remote computer
$scp somefile username@server:/home/username/
# Copy files from remote computer to local computer
$scp username@server:/home/username/file_name /home/local-username/file-name
# This is really interesting and very useful, as the files copied from one server
# to the other,are not going to pass through your computer. The traffic is going
# to pass from one server to the other directly.
$scp user_name1@server1:/home/user_name1/file_name user_name2@server2:/home/user_name2/
SSH connection
ssh -p port number username@ip_address
# Run last command as root
$sudo !!
# Clear terminal screen
$ctrl + l
# Increase the font size (press control and plus together)
# Decrease font size (press control and minus together)
# Command completion (tab key)
#instead of typing ifconfig you can do following
$ifc(press tabkey)
# Generate a random ordered list of 20 numbers. For example to determine order of presentation
$seq 20 | shuf
# Download file using commandline
$wget http://aaa.come/abc.pdf
# Find location of specific **ls** command
$where is ls
# Displays a single line description of a command
$whatis chmod
$whatis mkdir
# Get detailed information of system
$uname -a
# View configuration of network interface
$ifconfig -a
# Display the process in the system sorted by cup usage
# See memory information
$cat /proc/memingo
# See current date time in command line
# Display the top ten running processes - sorted by memory usage
# ps returns all running processes which are then sorted by the 4th field in numerical order and the top 10 are sent to STDOUT
$ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail
# Delete all files in a folder that don't match a certain file extension
$rm !(*.py|*.java|*.sh)
Using hashtag in commands
# Run php command to kill the process
$ps -ef | grep php| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
# To run the same command we can do reverse search.
#However, if the command content is not unique appending hashtag may slove the issue.
$ps -ef | grep php| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill #kill_php
Working with external drives
# View All Mounts
# See the disk logical name
$sudo fdisk -l
# The general mount command syntax to mount a device
$mount -t type device destination_dir
# Mount drive sdd1
$mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt
# Unmount drive /dev/sdd1
$umount /dev/sdd1